PSY-PC 2550 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Family Therapy, Social Cognition, Body Odor

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Be able to define adolescence and the difference between early, middle and late adolescence. Adolescence: stage of development that begin with puberty and ends when individuals make the transition into adult roles, roughly speaking, from about 10 to early 20s - period of transition (biological, psychological, social, economic) Discuss the fundamental changes that happen in adolescence. Biological: puberty - changes in physical appearance (i. e. breasts, facial hair, increased height, etc) Cognitive: better able to think about hypothetical situations and abstract concepts (i. e. friendship, democracy, morality) Social: changes in rights, privileges, and responsibilities - some marked by a formal ceremony called a rite of passage. Talk about the effects of the culture/environment in which adolescence takes place. Depending on environment and culture, puberty can occur at different rates and psychological development is a product of interplay between these changes. Ecological perspective on human development: emphasizes broader context in which development occurs.