CMST 354 Study Guide - Face Validity, Kenneth Burke, Communication Apprehension

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How do we know anything: by experimenting, authority, observing, experience. Quantitative research: predicts, experiment, survey, most faculty does basic research-just to find out the answer, applied research-paid to use in a market for a product. The culture of science ive research: objectivity: don"t be biased. It"s easiest used with quantitat: empirical: observations. If you are asking questions about yourself it is called a self report survey. Most really good research is based on theory. It is designed to test the theory and see if it still holds through. Falsafiable: there may be a time that the theory becomes false: control: take you out of situations and ask questions. Having as much control as possible over the situation. It does not always work: systematic: when collecting data, collect it the same way every time, self-correcting: replication. People verify to make sure it was done correctly: skepticism: just because it has always been true-doesn"t mean it will remain true in the future.