BIOL 150 Study Guide - Gana, Gonad, Enriched Uranium

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30 Oct 2014

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Inbreeding breeding with close relatives (2nd cousin marriages in small towns) Also runaway selection for altruistic gene-needed recessive allele. In homozygous condition to make territorial spiders into cooperatively social ones. Accomplished through inbreeding: sexual selection, sexual selection overrides natural selection, directional and disruptive or diversifying selection can lead to evolutionary change, over successive generations more favorable alleles increase in proportion to others as species. Question: in a population that is in hardy weinberg equilibrium the frequency of the allele a is . 3. What is the percentage of the population that is homozygous for this allele? population moves towards adaptive equilibrium: gene flow-migration between populations mixes genes adapted to different locations and increases. Answer: 9 allelic variation in gene pool a. Increases within population variation but decreases between population variation or genetic differentiation. Pleiotrophic effect- a mutation and a single locus causing a change in different characters. Protozoa(animal), slime molds( fungi), unicellular algae (plant), seaweeds (convenience)=protists.