PSY-303 Quiz: Exam 2 Study Guide

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19 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Stress hormones: cortisol: measure of stress, assess in saliva and urine, norepinephrine: both a hormone and neurotransmitter, epinephrine: measure of stress, measured in urine. 2: reduce the impact of a stressor though, denial, avoidance, wish-fulfillment fantasies, useful when problem-focused coping is not an option. 1989: therapeutic technique in which people express strong emotions through talking or writing about the events that preceded those emotions, involves self-reflection by focusing on positive aspects of experience. Trauma and stress-related disorders: adjustment disorders, symptoms develop within 3 months from the start of a stressor ** memorize. This: could happen immediately after trauma or it might be prolonged, e. g. end of a romantic relationship; adjustment to college; loss of employment; car accident; natural disaster. 4: avoidance behavior, people who have experiences a traumatic stressor may avoid people, places, reminders, thoughts, feelings, and other triggers, avoid crowded or public places because they feel dangerous, altered mood/cognitions, depressed, social isolation, hyperarousal: