MKT 337 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Work Ethic, Baby Boomers, Millennials

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16 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Attitudes, values, and lifestyles: (1) american values; (2) self- sufficiency; (3) upward mobility; (4) work ethic; (5) Growth of component lifestyles: (1) choosing goods and services that (cid:373)eet o(cid:374)e"s diverse (cid:374)eeds a(cid:374)d i(cid:374)terests, rather than conforming to a single traditional lifestyle. Income: (1) generally, quantitative facts; (2) easy to capture and chart; (3) be careful about subsequent assumptions. Households are an important demographic and economic unit: (1) 115. 2 million households in the us; (2) avg. Hh; (3) 65. 5% ownership rate; (4) 25. 9% of housing units are in multi-unit structures. Baby boomers (1946 1964) 75 million: (1) diversity as cause mass movement conform to rules; (2) killer job; (3) tv; (4) Generation x (1965 1978) 50 million: (1) accept diversity; (2) self-reliant; (3) reject rules; (4) killer life; (5) pc; (6) Ge(cid:374)eratio(cid:374) y (cid:862)mille(cid:374)(cid:374)ials(cid:863) (1979 1994) 77 million: (1) Diverse; (2) self-inventive; (3) ignore rules; (4) killer-lifestyles; (5) internet; (6) institutions irrelevant; (7) hyper multi-task.