MAN 336 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Organizational Culture, Unit

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29 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Professor dierking"s analysis: home towne hardware has a number of issues to consider in order to determine the root or real problems that need to be addressed. The history of the company is important to consider as the employees have developed expectations for how they will be treated. In this case, the employees have been historically included in decision making and their input has typically been solicited. Store managers have been empowered to customize their inventory to meet the specific needs of their communities. There has been a family atmosphere among employees. His poor assessment of his direct reports" qualifications and his decision to develop and launch the new strategy without including the management team is a clear example of this lack of alignment. He does not seem to view the employees as part of a family and certainly shows no evidence of soliciting their input or empowering them to make decisions. Cathy towne, and the new ceo, jim alton.