HIS 346L Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Lightning, Bifocals, Nathaniel Hawthorne

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11 Sep 2017

Document Summary

Jamestown was established by the london company to make money. 104 men and boys, they thought they were gentlemen and did not want to work. Jamestown was built on a peninsula which had a hot and humid climate. The climate caused diseases like malaria and dysentery. Jamestown would"ve failed had it not been for john smith. 1612 tobacco was introduced by john rolfe who marries pocahontas. Headright system settle in virginia = free land. North of virginia is the maryland colony founded in 1632, given to a family by the king. Maryland colony was the only catholic colony among american colonies. 1634 house of delegates established in maryland. Headright system and tobacco was used here too. Landed on plymouth rock in 1620, were puritan separatists. Massachusetts came over for their religious freedom puritans. New hampshire colony furthest north of all the colonies. 1622 king gave two men a land grant gorges and mason.