HDF 313 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Antoni Patek, Human Conditions, Barter

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Lecture 1
Fact a statement that can be verified and is established with overwhelming evidence
(opposite of myth)
Value, Opinion, Belief a statement that is not possible to prove or disprove through
scientific evidence
Studying Family Relationships Methods
Sample Selection
o All individuals in a group that share a particular characteristic
o Often impossible to find and survey all individuals in the group
Ex: population every student enrolled in this class
Focus on studying human conditions in US
o A group of individuals who represent the entire population
Methods Surveys
Used to systematically collect information
Predetermined questions
o Questionnaires no deviations from the questions, all set
o Interviews
o Focus groups
Methods Field Research
Systematic observation of people in their natural surroundings
Participant observers
o Researchers interact naturally, but do not reveal their identities as researchers
Non participant observers
o Researchers study phenomena without being part of the situation
o Ex: not reacting to children
Methods Secondary Analysis
Use of data that was collected by someone else
o Historical documents
o Public records
Methods Experiments
Examination of cause and effect relationships under controlled conditions
Individuals assigned by experimenter into one or two or more groups
Outcomes observed causes and effect determined
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Lecture 2: Ethics and Politics of Family Research
Code of Ethics
o Helps protect human research subjects
Data is confidential
Protet partiipat’s idetit
o Helps keep researh hoest
Prevents biased research
o Harms in research
Ask insightful survey cause emotional distress (rarely happen)
Reveal private information revealing information can cause
embarrassment, problems, upset
o Best way to protect data is anonymous
o Protect by assigning to ID number then destroy documents and data when study
is completed
o Give consent before doing research
o Benefit of the study outweighs the risk
o Clinical Trial
By participating helps gain information for future patients
Placebo half of the group is getting or not getting drugs
Political issues can affect both research agendas and reporting procedures
o Grant funding targeted toward specific diseases
National studies, specific calls for grants
Zilka virus mosquitoes disease
Focus on certain issues cause other issues to be ignored, result in no
o Criticism from Congress on use of funds (The Wastebook)
Wastebook make videos, signs and bring to congress and complain the
waste of money and research
Sheila Patek (Duke Biologist) studied the main behavior of shrimps and
received funding
Discovered that shrimps can be used for engineers, military
“eator lakford’s federal fules i goeret spedig
“tud o seiors’ datig haits – important to study about STD
disease transmitted
National science foundation
Silent Shakespeare productions
National endowment for the arts
Studying the California Gnatcher bird
Department of defense
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Strong social support is more beneficial than other health problems
Liberal Bias
o Ex: push in academia for more gender, ethnicity
o Idea more different people in research can help collect different data
Lecture 3
What is Family
A family is a group of related people living together
o Blood related relative, people who raised us, extended people, those that are
close to you and who we trust the most
A household the person who live in a housing unit
o Ex: roommates
Sociological Perspective
The family deals with reproduction and care and support for children and adults
o Definition of family can be different, varies from person
Has family life in US changed over the past?
100 years yes it has changed (major)
60 years yes
How has it changed?
Living before marriage
Same sex marriage
Much later age of marriage (highly educated, more stable marriage)
College degree students = less likely to get a divorce
Marriage now is more of self-fulfillment (people do’t deped o parter uh)
o Economic dependence before, now is independence
Historical Perspectives
Love as a requirement for marriage is more recent development
o Before people marry for trading such as trading for farms
o Arrange marriage was common
o Still not necessary for arranged marriages
Pre-Industrial families love and commitments were not related
Lecture 4
Every Generation is the Worst
Ex: cars can have both advantages and disadvantages
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Document Summary

Lecture 1: fact a statement that can be verified and is established with overwhelming evidence (opposite of myth, value, opinion, belief a statement that is not possible to prove or disprove through scientific evidence. Methods surveys: used to systematically collect information, predetermined questions, questionnaires no deviations from the questions, all set. Methods secondary analysis: use of data that was collected by someone else, historical documents, public records. Methods experiments: examination of cause and effect relationships under controlled conditions, outcomes observed causes and effect determined. Individuals assigned by experimenter into one or two or more groups. Idea more different people in research can help collect different data. Sociological perspective: the family deals with reproduction and care and support for children and adults, definition of family can be different, varies from person. Has family life in us changed over the past: 100 years yes it has changed (major, 60 years yes.