BIO 346 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Rudolf Virchow, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Robert Sapolsky

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27 Jan 2020

Document Summary

Sick of poverty: new studies suggest that the stress of being poor has a staggeringly harmful influence on health - robert sapolsky (6 pages) Rudolph virchow - 19th century german neuroscientist, physician and political activist. Spread of disease correlated to appalling living conditions. Those in power have enormous means to subjugate the powerless. Ses - composite measure that includes income, occupation, education and housing conditions. Ses gradient - ever step downward in ses correlates with poorer health (poverty - bad/insufficient food, unhealthy living conditions, less access to health care, etc. ) Correlations with cardiovascular diseases, ulcers, rheumatoid disorders, psychiatric disease, and multiple cancers. Less autonomy one has a work ~ worse one"s cardiovascular health. Risk of some disease x10 from top to bottom. Low ses poorer health, & poorer health lower ses. Chronic illness can compromise education and work productivity + generation of expenses. Took vows as young adults spend many years sharing diet, health care and housing.