BIO 346 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Inferior Frontal Gyrus, Neural Development, Socioeconomic Status

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27 Jan 2020

Document Summary

Science & society: socioeconomic status and the brain: mechanistic insights from human and animal research - daniel a hackman (7 pages) Socioeconomic context and childhood ses influences neural development. Particularly systems that subserve language and executive function. Prenatal factors, parent-child interactions and cognitive stimulation in the home environment due to ses show effect on neural development. Environmental factors can lead to individual differences in brain development. Improvement of programmes and policies designed to alleviate ses-related disparities in mental health and academic achievement can be developed. Growing up in a family with low ses - associated with substantially worse health, impaired psychological well-being, impaired cognitive and emotional development throughout the lifespan. Cause-effect relationship with a mechanistic understanding allows the design of more specific and powerful interventions to prevent and remediate the effects of low childhood ses. All levels of ses affect emotional and cognitive development to varying degrees.