BIO 101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Parthenogenesis, Myoglobin, Hemocyanin

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Bio 101 study guide for final exam december 19, 2015. The final exam will be 100 multiple choice questions, approximately 2/3 comprehensive and 1/3 from material covered during the final quarter of the semester. Study guides 1-4 refer to all topics covered during the first three quarters of the course. Describe the major characteristics of primates and anthropoids. Describe the different types of epithelial tissues in terms of their structure, function and location. Describe the structure and function of connective tissues and differentiate between the different types of connective tissue. Describe the structure and function of muscle tissue. Describe the structure and function of nervous tissue. Describe the flame cell-type of excretory organs found in flatworms. Describe the nephridia-type of excretory organs found in segmented worms. Describe the antenna gland-type of excretory organs found in crustaceans. Describe the malphigian tubule-type of excretory organs found in insects. Describe the process of urine formation in the vertebrate kidney (filtration, secretion, reabsorption).