PSY 2811 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: External Validity, Multiple Choice, Falsifiability

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Experience as a source of info: authority, rationalism, empiricism. Weight of the evidence: how appropriate or accurate the claim is, no single study is fully valid, different studies can emphasize different types of validities. Seeking and accepting only the evidence that supports what we already think and what we want to think. B. how well the variables in a study measure what they are intended to measure, provides an exhaustive and selective estimate of theoretical construct, how "on target" ur measure is to concept. Exhaustive vs. selective estimate: bias blind spot another name for a conceptual variable we believe we"re unbiased test-retest, internal, interrater principle of beneficence, principle of justice, principle of respect for persons, confirmatory hypothesis testing. The tendency to ask only the questions that will lead to the expected answer, not scientific: when one variables changes, so does the other expected value.