PSY 2811 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Beck Depression Inventory, Publication Bias, Bias Blind Spot

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Document Summary

Chapter 1: psychological science as a way of thinking. Chapter 2: challenges for consumers of research. Chapter 3: types of claims and validities. Ww chapter 2: claims and validities; frequency distributions. Ww chapter 2: central tendencies; frequency distributions. Theory (cid:1372) research question (cid:1372) research design (cid:1372) hypothesis (or perdiction) (cid:1372) data (a set of observatoins) (cid:1372) theory. Empiricism: observable evidence supports an idea and experimentation (main source). Introspectionism (19th century) considering your own state of mind. Armchair psychology: a form of psychological inquiry or therapy that is based on introspection and rational processes without reference to an empirical observation. Theory: general principles explaining how variables relate to each other, based on empirical data. Based on collected data theories can be partially supported, refused or 100% supported. Revising theory is a key component to make sure our theory is correct. Supported by data: without data support, no true evidence that something is real.