NURS 3438 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lumbar Vertebrae, Osteomyelitis

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Which assessment finding relates most directly to a diagnosis of chronic osteomyelitis: fatigue, warmth and swelling around affected area, drainage from a wound near the infection, pain around affected area. E. j, a 25 y/o woman, reports to her pcp complaining of stiffness, limited rom, and fatigue. Her vitals are: hr 78, bp 123/77, rr 17, temp 101. 7 f, and pain rated as a 6/10 (localized to small joints). Which musculoskeletal disorder is her pcp most likely to be diagnosed with and what is the treatment: rheumatoid arthritis; txt: joint replacement, rheumatoid arthritis; txt: nsaids or corticosteroids, osteoarthritis; txt: joint replacement, osteoarthritis; txt: nsaids or corticosteroids. Amy is a 48-year-old asian woman entering perimenopause. When talking to her primary care provider, he expresses concern about her being at risk for osteoporosis. Amy prefers non-pharmacological treatments, so the provider decides to begin with diet and exercise-based preventative measures. I will increase my intake of leafy greens and legumes.