PSYC 289 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Embryonic Disc, Human Services, Amniocentesis

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10 May 2018
Lifespan development
-lifespan increased in late 1900s, interest increased
-baby boomers are aging seeing more in late adulthood than young adulthood
Influences on develop
age grades -specific to age-puberty
History---tied to specific point in history, what is going on in the world
Cohort---part of the same generation, experience same history grade influence
Ex: changes with age 5 yr has diff exp than 80 yr, some1 who lived in NE vs NY in 9/11
Nonnormative--do not happen to the majority getting arthritis early
Developmental Theories
Theory (how and why)--framework for understanding the relations among a set of
observed facts
Allows you to Explain and predict facts
Implicit vs explicit theories
Major theoretical perspectives on development
--basic focus
--vary in the role of the individual
-importance early experiences--freud
-cross cutting issues
Behavior is motivated by inner forces, memories, conflicts that are often
unconscious, most psychodynamic theories see development as discontinuous
-psychosexual theory--freud ---psychosocial--erikson
Our primary motivation for things is motivation with others
Includes 8 stages
****covers lifespan infancy to late adulthood, most end earlier
1:trust vs mistrust(can we trust others in the world) last:integrity vs despair
Each stage has a crisis or a task that must be faced at that age
Each affects the next
Motivation:external stimuli and how they affect behavior
Classical conditioning-watson
Operant conditioning*-skinner consequences affect probability of recurrence
Consequences: reward-letting them watch tv, pu m nishment-no tv
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Social learning---social cognitive theory(bandura)
-Cognitive processes
mediate environment-behavior connections
Rewards may influence behavior
-imitation or observational learning bobo doll tend to imitate role
-Self efficacy- how well you think you can do a task---if you think you can do it
you are more likely to complete the task
Focuses on processes that allow people to know, understand, and think about the world
-piaget's stage model
Children are actively constructing
their understanding of the world through
-stage theory, four stages
-Information-processing approach
-how we build schemas we have two choices
Assimilate or accommodate
000 0
EX: accommodate develop a new schema same amount
Taking new info and pulling it into old info is assimilation saying the bottom row has
Information processing approach---individuals manipulate, monitor, and strategize
about info
-memory and thinking are central
Sociocultural theory(Vygotsky)
Emphasize social interaction and culture
Children actively construct knowledge
social interaction, culture(what's important to your society), role of language
Study of adaptive value of behavior and how behaviors evolve across evolutionary
history behaviors evolve through darwin's concept of survival in an environm
Critical period--Point where we are biologically prepared to develop a behavior
--imprint-during a specific time or critical period necessary for survival
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Sensitive period---language, time period important for exposure but not necessary
development can still occur later
Evolutionary develop psych
Seeks to understand adaptive value of human competencies
Studies cognitive, emot, and social competencies and change with age
Expands upon ethology-interested in learning
Focuses on adaptive
Ecological and systems approach
Microsystem--individual interacts with these people directly, classroom,
peers, family
Mesosystem---connection between environments in microsystem what
happens in school can affect mood in home environment
Exosystem---environments where they are directly affected but not
directly involved, like being influenced by mass media children see mass media but
are not personally affecting or interacting with the media
Macrosystem---culture, u.s. We value independence and doing things on
our own vs asian cultures who do things together
Chronosystem---how time influences these interactions, depending on age
of the child will affect how a child is impacted
Many factors affect development environmental and genetic
Development characterized by growth and decline still considered development
Multidirectional & multidimensional---one can grow one can go down
Plasticity-able to adapt new behaviors, never goes away completely but becomes
Influenced by multiple interacting forces
Age graded- license
History graded-great depression
Non normative--disease
See the individual as passive where piaget sees children as active
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Document Summary

Baby boomers are aging seeing more in late adulthood than young adulthood. History---tied to specific point in history, what is going on in the world. Cohort---part of the same generation, experience same history grade influence. Ex: changes with age 5 yr has diff exp than 80 yr, some1 who lived in ne vs ny in 9/11. Nonnormative--do not happen to the majority getting arthritis early. Theory (how and why)--framework for understanding the relations among a set of observed facts. Behavior is motivated by inner forces, memories, conflicts that are often unconscious, most psychodynamic theories see development as discontinuous. Our primary motivation for things is motivation with others. ****covers lifespan infancy to late adulthood, most end earlier. 1:trust vs mistrust(can we trust others in the world) Each stage has a crisis or a task that must be faced at that age. Operant conditioning*-skinner consequences affect probability of recurrence last:integrity vs despair. Consequences: reward-letting them watch tv, pu m nishment-no tv.