PSYC 250 Final: Exam Study Guide at UND

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8 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Chapter 1: the beginnings: nature and nurture. Psychology 250 final exam study guide: nature: general term for the traits, capacities, and limitations that each individual inherits genetically from his or her parents at the time of conception. Ex) mood, temper, height, hair color, etc: nurture: general term for all the environmental influences that affect development after an individual is conceived. Dimensions shrink and grow at different points in a person"s life. Not linear, sometimes fast, sometimes slow: multicontextual (bronfenbrenner ecological model, know the different levels of his model) Ecological-systems approach: the person should be considered in all the contexts and interactions that constitute a life. School, parents child interactions, parent parent interactions. Bronfenbrenner: microsystems: immediate surroundings such as family and peer groups. Exosystems: local institutions such as church and education system: macrosystem: political environment, economic policies, and cultural values, mesosystem: interaction of systems. Affected by many social contexts and interpersonal interactions.