PSYC 250 Study Guide - Final Guide: Prosocial Behavior, Peer Pressure, Sociometric Status

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Are peers necessary for development: yes! Good peer relations may be necessary for normal social development: social isolation, or the inability to plug in to a social network, is linked with problems and disorders ranging from delinquency and problem drinking to depression. Describe three positive/negative influences and/or outcomes of peer relationships. Peers who engage in prosocial behavior at age 9 had a higher level of self-control at age 10 those whose peers engaged in deviant behavior at 9 had a lower level of self-control at 10. Rejection and neglect by peers are related to an individual"s subsequent mental health. For some adolescents, the peer culture is a corrupt influence that undermines parental values and control. Peer relations are linked to adolescents" patterns of drug use, delinquency, and depression. A recent study found that low parental control was linked to higher delinquency in adolescence through its association with deviant peer affiliation. Describe peer contexts and how individual differences impact peers.