PSYC 250 Study Guide - Final Guide: Juvenile Delinquency, Developmental Disability, Social Cognition

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Interpersonal competences with their early interactions with their parents: juvenile delinquency, childhood depression is linked with maternal depression. Biological but also motherhood depression sets a tone in the household changes their interactions. Competence and sense of self-worth, friend maker (social cognition) Provide specific examples of the interplay of the biological/cognitive/socioemotional domains on development. 3yo would make sense, 17yo might be on drugs: when would age not matter: breathing, reflexive, a developmental disability, contextual circumstance where a child is mistreated, it is always relevant might not be the most relevant. Provide examples of the influence of the multiple contexts of development for an individual using bronfenbrenner"s ecological model. Address the ways in which transitions increase an individual"s vulnerability and how this relates to the concept that resilience is dynamic i. e. resilience changes over time. Explain why it is difficult to intervene with the behavior or development of a child without also intervening with the family.