COMM 121 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Guide: Consumer Capitalism, Nbc, United Fruit Company

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Seeks to keep all three sets of terms in view. We can"t answer all questions at once, but we can have a complex view of the relationships involved. Media keeps the social world at the center. Media structures: part one: media ownership and control. The corporate view has become the american" view, even though the interests of the corporate entities that own mass media are far from universal pg. For example: in discussion of u. s. economy, national economic well-being = corporate success (not wages). The relationship between corporate financial health and citizen well-being is rarely discussed. Vertical integration: integrated ownership of most parts of a media industry (ex: venues, promotion, tickets, sales in music touring) Creates a monopoly in a certain media industry. Companies from different industries come from one parent company. Homogenization hypothesis: concentrated ownership diminishes diversity of content. Limits on the hypothesis: concentrated owners are happy to make money from independent themes and.