[POLSCI 190] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (61 pages long!)

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Proposed government is capable of minimizing/controlling the damage caused by factions. Faction - group of people who gather to protect/promote their economic and political interests. Factions are inevitable because of human nature. Only way to prevent factions is to destroy liberty of give every citizen the same thoughts and opinions. Destroying liberty is a cure worse than the disease itself . Direct democracies cannot protect us from factions. Because it"s a large country, it"s likely our representatives will be qualified in the people"s interest. Multiplicity of interests prevents rich v. poor. Worried about tyranny in the legislative branch, house of representative specifically. Judges should be free of political pressure. If men were angels, no government would be necessary . Government must be able to control itself. Dividing power helps check growth in any branch. Must protect the minority from the majority. Under the constitution there are many groups, so it"s difficult for one group to dominate.