POLSCI 190 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Coattail Effect, Political Action Committee, Dark Money

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Allows donors to anonymously donate unlimited funds to a political cause allows people to donate as much money as they want lobbyists will accompany them to dc to meetings with members of congress or their. Part i. define/describe the following and say why it is important. I will give you four of these questions and ask you to write on three. (20 pts. each). Contrast three features of legislators" voting decisions and the comparable features of legislators" participation decisions. Voting decisions: dichotomous, low information, late stage in process. Participation decisions: continuous (matter of degree), high information, early stage in process. It can be messy because constituents don"t think only in terms of ideology. How does a lobbyist attempt to persuade a legislator to adopt the interest group"s position on a policy the group cares about? lobbyists use money, information, and constituency pressure framing lobbyists are specialists. Bergan and cole conclude that constituency mobilization influences legislators" votes.