POLS 2311 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Equal Employment Opportunity, Early Start, Missouri Compromise

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Document Summary

13th amendment- outlaws slavery in any jurisdiction within the us. 14th amendment- grants citizenship to anyone born or naturalized in the us. 15th amendment- all men are allowed to vote. 19th amendment- granted women the right to vote (passed in 1920) Single member districts (1 representative is elected) Winner takes all rule: the candidate who gains the largest percentage of votes wins the district. Sociological reasons: lack of social class identification in the us. Open- do not have to register as a member of a party; you can choose which one party you want to vote for on election day. Closed- must register as a member of one of the parties; you are allowed to vote only within the party you are a registered member of. Pac (political action committees)- obtain solicit donations from organization members and bundle those donations together and donate them to the candidate that they support.