BIOLOGY 105 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fluid Balance, Bleeding On Probing, Toothpaste

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9 Mar 2016

Document Summary

Funcion: key component of rhodopsin which is needed for vision, anioxidant (carotenoids), hormone controls synthesis of proteins involved in cell development, immune funcion, growth, bone health, reproducion. Deiciency: hypovitaminosis a night blindness, permanent blindness, impaired immunity, scaly skin, kerainizaion (skin cells develop abnormally) Sources: reinoid-acive form (al, ol, oic acid) in animal sources, beta-carotene inacive in red/orange/yellow veggies. Funcion: hormone bone growth and maintenance, regulates blood calcium homeostasis, regulates protein synthesis, possibly regulates cardiovascular system, healthy immune funcion. Calcitriol is fully acivated form from kidney and liver synthesized by body when cholesterol is exposed to light, calcitriol increase absorb of calcium in the intesine. Deiciency: rickets, osteomalacia, cancer, autoimmune disease, kidney disease, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease. Sources: inacive form in foods (previtamin): diary, cod liver oil, rainbow trout salmon. Funcion: anioxidant, component of cell membrane (prevents damage to cell membrane reduces ldl oxidaion.