ANTHRARC 282 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, Foramen Magnum

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Identi cation with, and feeling part of, an ethnic group and exclusion from certain other groups because of this af liation. Based on actual, perceived, or assumed cultural similarities among members of the same ethnic group and difference between that group and others. Social status based on little or no choice (age, race, gender, etc. ) Independent evolution of similar features in unrelated species. The process of adapting to the same environmental forces in similar ways. When unrelated species occupy the same environment, subjected to similar selective pressures, and adapt similarly. Similarities due to adapting to the same environmental forces in similar ways due to convergent evolution. Pronounced anatomical and behavioral differences between males and females, besides the contrast in breasts and genitals. Characteristic of gibbons due to their long arms. Smell to sight (depth perception, color vision, large eyes located in center of head) Nose to hand (hand is the center of learning)