ANTHRARC 282 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: American Front, Nuclear Family, Blockbusting

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Document Summary

14 mc; 6/9 definitions, 6/9 fill-ins; 5 short answer; 10/14 short answer; Ethnicity: identification with, and feeling part of, an ethnic group and exclusion from certain other groups because of this affiliation. Social status based on little or no choice: achieved. Social status based on achievements or accomplishments. Convergent evolution: similar selective forces produce similar adaptive traits. Traits inherited from common ancestors: analogies. Adaptive traits due to convergent evolution (porpoises and fish both have fins but one is a mammal and the other is not) Sexual dimorphism: marked differences in male and female anatomy and temperament. Hominid gibbon siamang orangutan gorilla chimp humans o: 1. Fingernails can protect the finger without getting in the way of the precision grip: 2. Arboreal primates include gibbons, new world monkeys, and many. Terrestrial primates include baboons, macaques, and humans. Gorillas spend most of their time on the ground. Traits of new world and old world monkeys: new world.