SOC 101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: George Herbert Mead, Talcott Parsons, Public Sociology

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Introduction to Sociology
Exam 1 Review Sheet
The capacity of individuals to
act independently and to make
their own free choices.
A situation in which society no
longer has the support of a firm
collective consciousness.
Applied sociology
The utilization of sociological
theory, methods, and skills to
collect and analyze data and to
communicate the findings to
understand and resolve
pragmatic problems of clients.
Clinical sociology
An applied practice that
focuses on health intervention,
such as working with medical
practitioners, community
health services, social policy
and public health campaigns.
Conflict perspective/Conflict theory
Macrosocial perspective.
Society is a struggle for limited
resources and power. People
are shaped by power, coercion,
and authority. Social order
maintained through force and
coercion. Karl Marx historic
materialism, bourgeoise vs.
proletariat. W.E.B. DuBois
double consciousness, power
connected to race. Wells-
Barnett racial and gendered
systems of oppression.
Structural Functionalist Perspective
Macrosocial perspective.
Society is stable & well
integrated. People are
socialized to perform societal
functions. Social order
maintained through
cooperation and consensus.
Emile Durkheim - suicide,
anomie, social facts. Herbert
Spencer society as a social
organism. Talcott Parsons
social roles.
Critical Feminist Perspective/Theory
Macro and micro social
perspective. Society can only
be understood in the context of
social location and social
standpoint. People are shaped
by the interrelation between
knowledge and power. Social
order maintained by
perpetuating dominant
standpoints. Dorothy Smith
feminist standpoint. Patricia
Hill Collins combine analysis
of race, gender, and class.
Refers to the expansion of
global linkages, the
organization of social life on a
global scale, and the growth of
a global consciousness, hence
to the consolidation of world
Symbolic Interactionist Perspective
Microsocial perspective.
Society is actively influenced
and shaped by the everyday
interactions of individuals and
groups. People manipulate
symbols and create their social
worlds through interaction.
Social order maintained by
shared understanding and
behavior. George Herbert Mead
Significant other, generalized
other. Charles Goffman
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Document Summary

The capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own free choices. A situation in which society no longer has the support of a firm collective consciousness. The utilization of sociological theory, methods, and skills to collect and analyze data and to communicate the findings to understand and resolve pragmatic problems of clients. An applied practice that focuses on health intervention, such as working with medical practitioners, community health services, social policy and public health campaigns. Society is a struggle for limited resources and power. People are shaped by power, coercion, and authority. Barnett racial and gendered double consciousness, power connected to race. Society can only be understood in the context of social location and social standpoint. People are shaped by the interrelation between knowledge and power. Refers to the expansion of global linkages, the organization of social life on a global scale, and the growth of a global consciousness, hence to the consolidation of world society.