KIN 122 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Energizer Bunny, Relapse Prevention, Tracksuit

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Definitions of health and wellness body components mentally, socially and physically the best person you can be. Health not simply the absence of disease, broader perspective; spiritually, Wellness state of optimal overall wellbeing encompassing both mind and. Intellectual health having an active mind and being intellectually stimulated: social health development and maintenance of meaningful. Goals of a healthy lifestyle performing activities that lead to optimal health on a regular basis (lifestyle is what you eat, what you do, anything for optimal health) relationships. Majority of people know what healthy choices are but always don"t follow them. Risk factors for death in high vs. low income countries. High income countries shift from infectious diseases to age-related and lifestyle related diseases, main cod is lifestyle related (heart disease, cancer, diabetes) Low income countries poor hygiene, malnutrition, contagious and infectious diseases. Differences between physical activity, exercise and fitness. Physical activity (pa) anything that makes muscles move household (doing chores)