COMM 3383 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pragmatics, Joint Attention, Metacognition

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Book chapters: 1 (part), 5, 8, 9, 11. Ebp: applying strategies, which have a benefit for treatment of a particular communication need. Internal evidence: comes from awareness of client needs and clinical knowledge and matching theoretical constructs. How evidence is acquired: highest to lowest: systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, case-controlled studies, case series & case reports, editorials & expert opinions. What constitutes ebp: external scientific evidence, clinical expertise/expert opinion, client/patient/caregiver perspectives. Be prepared to describe give examples of how to address therapy targets within the scope of the theories. Use information from the notes and book to create objectives (written in objective format- that does not go away) for specific targets. Engagement with activity increases participation and retention, objects rather than pictures; use prompts that can be visual, auditory, and tactile, reinforcement, (social, primary, secondary) fading reinforcement. Modeling: two types- self talk: the adult describes what she is thinking, feeling and doing herself.