BUAD309 Midterm: BUAD- Exam 1 Study Guide

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Document Summary

Research: concerned with the systematic gathering of information; its purpose is to help us in our search for the truth. Variable: any general characteristic that can be measured and that changes in amplitude, intensity or both (ex: job satisfaction, employee productivity, work stress, ability, personality, and group norms) Hypothesis: a tentative explanation of the relationship between two or more variables (ex: participation in college athletics leads to a top executive position in a large corporation) Dependent variable: a response that is affected by an independent variable (ex: productivity, absenteeism, turnover, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment) Independent variable: the presumed cause of some change in the dependent variable (ex: intelligence, personality, job satisfaction, experience, motivation, reinforcement patterns, leadership style, reward allocations, selection methods, and organizational designs) Moderating variable (contingency variable): abates the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable. If x (independent variable), then y (dependent variable) will occur, but only under conditions z (moderating variable)