BHAN155 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dietary Reference Intake, Dietary Fiber, Hyponatremia

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Recommended dietary allowances (rdas): intake levels necessary to meet the nutritional needs of 97-98% of health individuals. Adequate intake (ai): average daily nutrient intake by healthy people when there is not enough research to determine an rda. Tolerable upper intake level (ul): highest amount of nutrient that can be consumed without the risk of adverse health effects. Acceptable macronutrient distribution range (amdr): range of intakes for carbohydrates, fat, and protein that is associated with reduced risk of chronic disease and that provides adequate levels of essential nutrients. Humans can survive longer without food than without water. Hyponatremia: too much water, serious health risk characterized by low sodium levels. Body consists of 50-70% water by weight. Your weight (lbs) / 2 = ounces of water needed daily. Dietary fiber: comprises the nondigestible forms of carbohydrates that come from parts of plants. 9 essential (high quality protein), 11 produced by body. Recommended daily intake: 0. 8 g per kilogram of body weight.