BHAN155 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Vitamin, Weight Watchers, Folic Acid

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Arthritis not effected by what we eat. Human body consists of 50 to 70 percent weight by water. Proteins that supply essential amino acids are called complete. Carbs supply us with energy to sustain normal daily activity. All of the following are complex carbs except: fiber, glucose, glycogen, starch. Which of the following is an example of high fiber food: brown rice. What is not a fat soluble vitamin (is adek: c,e,a,k. People with high percentage of _____ lipoproteins appear to be at a lower risk for developing cholesterol-clogged arteries: hdl. What type of oil is high in saturates fatty acids: coconut. Popular diet programs: weight watchers, dash, biggest loser, atkins, paleo. What percentage of us adults are overweight or obese: 68. Men who exceed ___ percent body fat and women who exceed ____ percent body fat are considered overweight: 22,35. What doesn"t occur when you have low body fat: hair growth. Correct bmi classification: obese: bmi of 30-39. 9.