SOC 152A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Genital Wart, Cervical Cancer, Herpes Labialis

54 views2 pages
29 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Study online at quizlet. com/_342j5n: analgesia condition of being unable to feel pain, anal sex more risky since rectal wall is very thin compared to the vaginal wall, genital. 3-4 mos after their first treatment, should be tested again similar to but not the same as warts on the hand over 100 strains of hpv, 40 can infect genital area a few can cause cervical cancer. 1/3 of genital warts are precancerous in females cervical cancer is rather easily cured-get pap test: herpes 1. 30-50 percent can end up in the genitals canker sores are different=ulceration of mouth: herpes 2 mostly in the genitals but in the mouth too. 16 percent of people have it: herpes the first is the most intense outbreaks cycle. Danger to the newborn if mother is infected- eye infections, pneumonia: hiv-pep home test for it. Can cause eye infections at any age see a medical doctor asap: ectopic.