PSY 102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Wassily Kandinsky, Stereotype Threat, Normative Social Influence

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People conform to avoid being seen negatively. Influencer sets the stage for the real request by first getting person to comply with a. People feel like they must agree with the second request because they have already agreed with the first request. People are less likely to obey an authority figure when the victim is physically close to them. Influencer makes an outrageous request that is sure to be refused, then counteroffers. Reciprocity with a much smaller more reasonable request. People are more likely to obey even if it involves hurting someone when they are physically closer to the authority figure (experimenter) When partners equal in give and take. Uneasy when someone is over benefitted or under benefited. People attribute good qualities with more attractive people. People rate them as more attractive than individual faces. Physical arousal, fear of rejection, intense longing. The more we see and interact with someone, the more we like them.