PSYC 1100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Robert A. Rescorla, Operant Conditioning, Conditioned Taste Aversion

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PSYC 1100 Full Course Notes
PSYC 1100 Full Course Notes
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Habituation= organism gets used to something and is no longer curious. 3 measures of conditioned responses : amplitude, probability, latency. In extinction, the conditioned response disappears over time due to a buildup in inhibition. Extinguished response reappears at almost previous strength but extinguishes faster this time. Final extinction phase has no more spontaneous recovery. However, organism can relearn the response through rapid reacquisition. (implies that the organism never unlearned the response) Inhibition dissipates over time but doesn"t dissipate over time completely. Contiguity: closeness in time is basis of acquisition of conditioned reflex. Optimal time interval: between cs and us differs depending on particular response being conditioned. (also optimal number of trials required) Steps for high order conditioning: establish conditioned stimulus, new conditioned stimulus is paired with old conditioned stimulus with unconditioned stimulus, eventually, new conditioned stimulus is established without unconditioned stimulus. Bell food salivation eventually bell salivation. Light bell salivation eventually light salivation. Tone light salivation eventually tone salivation.