[GE CLST 73A] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (31 pages long!)

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Know principles, where each part of the brain is, functions of parts. Localized functions= in a particular area, small area of the brain. Einstein"s brain: two hemispheres communicate better: not bigger just more connection. Use it or lose it: exuberant connections wither away when not used, appropriate connections strengthen. Golgi= all neurons are physically connected and operated as whole. Ramon and cajal= neurons are separate entities may look close to each other but not touching: golgi stain allows you to see neurons (proved roman and cajal right, neurons connected by synapses (not literally connected) Multipolar (most neurons) lots of dendrites, axon always has collaterals at the end. Bipolar mostly in retina (has one dendrite and one axon) Unipolar: mostly located in somatatory system--only one process (dendrites and axon almost connected/continuous) Als=what happens when a circuit is broken: circuit: pyramidal neuron connecting to a motoneuron which connects to a muscle, in asl, motoneuron dies.