BIO 152 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Camillo Golgi, Golgi'S Method, Axon Hillock

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Nervous system: nerve net, communication, but not centralization, centralization, more neurons in bigger ganglia, cephalization, localization of ganglia and sensory organs at head: brain. Peripheral nervous system: cranial nerves, spinal nerves, structure of a nerve, axons, blood vessels, connective tissue. Conduction: graded potential, dendrite to axon hillock. Intensity due to activation of receptor, moves passively: action potential, axon hillock to terminal. Integration of signal: excitatory synapse: receptor causes positive charged electrical signal. Inhibitory synapse: receptor causes negative charged electrical signal. Makes neuron less likely to start action potential: signals add up or subtract in real time. Types of neurons differences in parts: sensory neurons, specialized sensory endings, can have more than 1 axon, senses temperature, pressure, pain, etc, motor neurons, many branching dendrites, axon muscle/gland, allows movement to occur. Interneurons: many dendrites, axon often branched, communicates with multiple neurons, can coordinate movement and compare things, note: myelin sheath on sensory and motor neurons.