GE CLST 70B Study Guide - Final Guide: Allele Frequency, Genotype Frequency, Genetic Drift

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Week 1 review questions: what are the premises of natural selection? individuals vary within a population the variation is heritable. Ecology designates the interactions of organisms with one another and their environment. Evolution is a reaction to ecology and gives depth of time to ecology. Embryology (start off with little hind limbs that disappear) The study of morphology could not decide whether whales were closest to mesonychians or hippos. Homology (ancestry): two animals are derived from a common ancestor, even though the two might not be similar in form. Analogy (function): two structures are similar in form, but not derived from a common ancestor (= convergence). When no selection is maintaining a structure, it will start to disappear. Like hind limbs in whales, they are reduced in size and have no apparent function. They only make sense in light of evolution, because those structures were fully functional in the species" ancestors.