CS 008 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Text File, Word Processor, Data Integrity

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Document Summary

Don"t skip really anything in this section! Basic things about operating systems (don"t need dates) but know which is the oldest, most powerful, which are free, most stable, most popular today, etc. Just a program that led into an operating system. Which apps are used to check on running processes. Which are used to see what processes you have running. Why you would want to quit an application. What is meant by a backup automated and manual. Don"t need to know any specific maps. Compression methods to make files smaller - storing. Mp4 is the most commonly used format for video. Mp3 most commonly used format for audio. Don"t need to know about particular apps! Jpeg most commonly used for compressing photos. Don"t worry about specifics about search engines. Know which is the earliest, most common, etc. Page rank - how important the page is - what shows up first. Who makes the most money off of it.