PSY BEH 104S Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Unconscious Mind, Dependent And Independent Variables, Confounding

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Correlational: only relationship can be determined, not if one causes another necessarily. Archival: studying phenomenon that occurred in the past (ie tragedies) Observational: studies based on observations, little or no interaction. Experimental: want actual answers, cause of relationships. Internal: how confident you are that only iv cause change in the experiment. External: how generalizable is the finding to the external world. Validity tradeoff: high internal, low external or vice versa. Survey reliability: how consistent you can get the same results. Dependent variable: outcome due to manipulation of iv. Extraneous variables: variables present in the experiment that aren"t being studied but have some effect. Thin slices of information can lead to fairly accurate information in a variety of contexts. Many accurate decisions and predictions are made unconsciously. There is a discrepancy between our conscious and unconscious mind. Conformity: changes in behavior in response to implicit or explicit social pressure.