POL SCI 6C Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Big Society, Protestant Reformers, Corporatism

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Rousseau was born in geneva -- a state which was organized over the principles of. Calvin, a protestant reformer -- origins of puritanical. Calvinism is the guiding principle in geneva. Rousseau is a different kind of guy -- slept with a lot of women and had a lot of children - Forced to spend his entire productive life in france. In the forward, one of the main points is to tell the people of geneva that he would love to come home. Rousseau dedicates discourse to the republic of geneva because he believes the city represents the most perfect combination of two types of inequality -- natural and artificial. What matters most is not the individual but the whole. Today more than ever the level of inequality is high. For every a regular employee makes, the ceo makes . Rousseau is specifically talking about the origin of inequality. We need to understand where inequality begins.