BIO SCI N120B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pre-Ejaculate, Achlorhydria, Gram-Negative Bacteria

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How does a vaccine work, an anti-biotic, an anti-viral etc. For tuberculosis - you may want to review the pulmonary slides from last quarter on copd. you will receive a patient case and answer a series of questions about the patient"s individual risk and symptoms. Gram negative bacteria so sometimes antibiotic resistant. 12 hrs-5 days for symptoms to show. Can be symptomless but spread through feces still. Spread through fecal-oral route, water contamination: drinking or eating contaminated food with cholera, fecal contamination of water supplies/street vendors, raw seafood. Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, dehydration, fatigue, diarrhea, muscle cramps, dry mucous membranes. Treatment: iv fluids, rehydration (water+salt+sugar for water retention), anti-nausea, antibiotics (for severely ill) in conjunction with rehydration. Antibiotic mechanism: interferes with ability to repair damaged dna, weakens cell wall until burst, stops ability to make what it needs to grow new cells.