BIO SCI 93 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Covalent Bond, Hydrogen Bond, Emergence

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BIO SCI 93 Full Course Notes
BIO SCI 93 Full Course Notes
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Properties of life: energy processing, growth and development, order, evolutionary adaptation, regulation, reproduction, and response to environment. Atoms smallest unit of chemical elements. Molecules combinations of 2 or more atoms: please define, cells are composed of 70- 95% ____________. Cells are made up of combinations of molecules. Now add another water molecule hydrogen- bonded to the first water molecule. \h: define the following properties of water: Cohesion interactions between water molecules. Solvent interactions between water and other molecules: define the following chemical bonds and provide one example: Covalent bond electron sharing between 2 atoms. Polar covalent bond uneven sharing of electrons between 2 atoms. Nonpolar covalent bond equal sharing of electrons between 2 atoms. Ionic bond transfer of electrons between atoms. A hydroxyl : alcohols, end in ol, polar (hydrophilic), can form h bonds with water molecules. B carbonyl : ketones and aldehydes, polar (hydrophilic), in sugars. C carboxyl : organic acid, h+ can dissociate, polar (hydrophilic)