BIO SCI 100 Midterm: 4

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Evidence and sources are clearly and correctly represented and integrated smoothly. 6 on person with good intro, superior, superior bad wording on a few: zietgebers = external cue=important. Per protein=tim protein: drosophila video: per gene, promoter, ribosome. Some unstable/degraded: stable accumulate -go into nucleus (protein= suppressor/turn off gene expression. ) Morning: protein disappear over hrs, lead to turn on gene begin next cycle of rna. + txn factor (cyc) (clock) bind to promoter of per. drive txn, turn on rna synthesis: per made by ribosome, some degrade/ survive. Accumulates (in evening), protein go inside, per interact with cyc, clock, stops txn: morning- per protein all disappear, last one disappear, cyc and clock (cyc) activate/begin new, per/tim both have cyc/clock on promoters. Protein accumulate and pink disappears, but when interact with timeless, hetero dimer formed. Dimer go in nucleus, interact with cyc, clock -stop txn. S: un comes up, timeless degraded, period degrades slowly after.