BIO SCI 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Scientific Control, Confounding, Future Tense

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Document Summary

Deductive reasoning: formal, general to specific, begin w/ general; predict consequences, logical(math), conc: start with hypothesis, but conc valid, but not true. Instructor and student knowledge of study strategies: main idea of article:: spacing, testing, engage (in retrieval). Students unware of good method of learning/ time constraint. Instructor not familiar with research on learning or thinks like student. Lay summary = summary written for public, not researchers or pros: scientific control: an exp, group, or observation to lower effect of variable other than indep variable tested-> account for confounding variable, negative control=exp setup w/out indep variable. Compare, must know ?, missing element, doesn"t mean value: positive control = ensures x is working right: reagent, organism, method, instrument. Confirm works, know org, reagent, doesn"t mean + value: student method section:pertinent detail=25. Readable50: determine: to find by investigation, measure: to find thecalculate: to work outusing numbers.