ETX 10 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Photodissociation, Union Blockade

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#1 poisons and history trial and error. During antiquity when humans around the world depended on hunter-gatherer methods, people had to figure out what natural plants were foods or poisons: did this through trial and error. Dose determines whether a substance is toxic or non-toxic. Toxicology: the study of the adverse effects of chemicals. The ebers (papyrus) 1500 bc: oldest surviving documentation of toxic chemicals, goes into detail about opium, hemlock, and some metals (copper, lead, etc) Nicander (greek) 2nd century bc looked at antidotes: antidotes: substances that block the effects of other substances. Discorides 50 bc: the first to categorize, organize and classify toxic substances. De medicis middle ages: catherine de medici: benefited from the studies of a toxicologists about toxins. Used and developed many standards that are still used today like: Time of onset of action: how long it takes for a chemical to show an effect.