CMN 172 Midterm: Midterm 1 Study Guide

212 views15 pages
8 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Psychological processes (cognitive misers, availability heuristic, confirmation bias). People are cognitive misers and they save time and mental effort when forming impressions. Opinions are biased towards the latest information and immediate examples. People seek opinion congruent information and disregard opinion incongruent information. Cues-filtered out theories (cfo): social presence, lack of social context cues. S ocial presence: media differ in bandwidth or the amount of information the transmit. Greater bandwidth allows for more salience of communicators. Many people assume online relationships aren"t real relationships because texts and emails carry less information than conversation. The degree to which a person is perceived as a real person in mediated communication. Reduced s ocial c ontext c ues. Low bandwidth increases perceived anonymity and self focus. Anonymity and self focus can lead to hostile behavior. This coupled with human egocentrism explains email miscommunication. People think they can communicate over email better than they actually can.