BIO 111 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Cursorial, Marsupial, Paraphyly

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Phylogenies tell us if traits are convergent (not all relatives are the same) or homologous. Phylogenies are used to understand the evolution of complex traits (myoglobin) Classify by monophylogenetic group that they"re in. They are predictive predict antinvenis are useful in rarely-encountered snakes. Predict where useful genes may be found. Found genes that were resistant and insert them into domestic corn. Includes ancestor + all descendants of that ancestor **synapomorphy. Includes ancestor + not all the descendants of that ancestor (convenient for us humans, Uniformitarianism- slow process over time can make expansive structures (grand canyon) Showed darwin that natural selection creates the diversity of plants & animals, proved there were extinct species & groups. 1 proton + 1 neutron weighs more than 1 proton. When deer eat grass they destabilize the carbon balance. C4 grasses much tougher for horses to eat, horses developed deeper crowned teeth to accommodate for this natural selection.