SOC 1113 Study Guide - Final Guide: Population Projection, Nancy Pelosi, Reproductive Rights

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28 Mar 2018

Document Summary

Us is only modern country to still do it. States that have it do not have lower crime rate. Us does not have the most crimes but more likely to die here. Us has highest rate, most in there for drugs and not murder. Argues internal and external forces control all human behavior. Criminals have low self-control and inability to delay gratification. Unified system of beliefs and practices related to be sacred. Religious groups that ha(cid:448)e e(cid:374)ough (cid:373)e(cid:373)(cid:271)ers to sustai(cid:374) the(cid:373)sel(cid:448)es a(cid:374)d go agai(cid:374)st so(cid:272)iet(cid:455)"s norms. Weber and marx on religion: marx did not believe in religion to unify people. Believed religion was used by wealthy to mislead the poor. Religion mask the real problem: weber though the economy and religion were linked. Belief that animate spirits live in natural objects and operate in the world. Practice of honoring a totem or sacrum object. Ways of life that focus on set ethical, moral or philosophical principles.