GEOL 305 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ankle, Bird Flight, Mesozoic

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The two specific genera in the lecture for the dromaeosaurids are velociraptor and deinonychus2. Know their age, where they lived, general body size. Deinonychus- early cretaceous north america; up to 11 ft in length and 73 kg. Velociraptor- late cretaceous mongolia; 2 m long and 15 kg. Carpometacarpus: the wrist and hand bones of the modern birds are fused into a unique structure which is composed of three fused fingers, thought to be digits i, ii, and iii. Pygostyle- no living bird had a long tail, the bones in most canes are in a compact, vestigial structure of fused bones. Synsacrum- an elongated composite sacrum containing a number of fused vertebrae, present in birds and some extinct reptiles. Tarsometatarsus: the 3 central metatarsals (foot bones to which the toes attach) are fused together with some ankle bones into a unique structure.