GEOL 305 Study Guide - Final Guide: Saurischia, Northern Hemisphere, Shenzhousaurus

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Upon completion of this chapter, the student should. Have a general understanding of the different groups within the theropoda, and their relationship to each other. Oviraptorosaurs, troodontids, dromaeosaurids, tyrannosauroids, birds (last all part of. Non-avian theropods have been found on every continent, including antarctica. Well-diagnosed monophyletic group with abundant shared characters within saurischia. Know the given derived characters which are shared by all theropoda. Clawed bipeds, many had serrated teeth, although some had/have none at all, al have/had hollow vertebrae and limb bones, range in size from <1m (microraptor) to animals growing up to 15m in length. Understand the range of form within the theropoda for many skeletal characteristics and their use, including arms and hands, feet, legs and running ability, skulls, and teeth. Main functions of all forms= tracking, attacking, feeding, vicious with the grasping an slicing claws. Bipedal, body was balanced directly over the pelvis, and the vertebral column held nearly horizontal.